Friday, October 29, 2010


A while back we had a duck that would come around almost every day. At first we thought it was so cute... the kids would look out the window and see the duck waiting, and they would run to get it some bread.
Here is Jim with the kids, throwing bread to the duck
Zoie and duck Aidan , Nolan and duck

happily feeding the duck...
After a while though it became, well....less than cute. This duck would not go away. And for some reason it thought our porch was its personal toilet. After getting to the point where we had to hose down our front porch almost every day, the question became, how do we get rid of this silly thing?
We stopped feeding it and eventually it got a clue, although not before leaving us some more parting gifts. I decided to spare everyone by not taking pictures of that detail.

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