Thursday, April 24, 2008

Christmas 2007

We went the the Nature center before christmas and ended up with a pretty good family pic. The kids had a great time but it was a little cold (55 degrees is cold for Florida, ha ha), we had to pull out our sweaters. Christmas morning is always tons of fun.
It's so good to see the kids faces light up (see below, he he) doesn't Aidan look happy?

Zoie was definitely not happy. She wasn't feeling well and had a rough morning. Poor thing. Don't go crazy kids....

I think it must have been a little too early. Jim got over excited and woke them up around 6am. They did get happier later, unfortunately being the wonderful photographer that I am, I have no evidence of it.

More cute pics -Nov/Dec 07

Zoie loves her accessories!!

Sooooo Cute!
These photos are from our Christmas card shoot. There were several that turned out really good, (and several hundred that were just funny). It's always fun to try to get the kids to all be photogenic at the same time. It's also great to have a friend who is good at photography (and has a lot of patience, he he)

Awww... brothers are so cute when they're not annoying each other.
This is one example of the funny ones.

Another funny one that is also super cute.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a few more halloween pics

I couldn't get these to load on the other post so here are the rest of the Halloween pics. These are from our ward party. Aidan was supposed to be a dragon, (knight, dragon, princess) but he wouldn't wear the costume. He is very he decided to be a baseball player instead.This is our car decorated for the trunk-or-treat. It didn't win, but I thought it looked pretty good.
This is Zoie's best friend at church, Jocelyn. They are only 10 days apart and they love each other. It is so cute.
This is not on Halloween, but Nolan and Aidan dressed up in the pirate wear left from Aidan's birthday and they looked very cute.

October/ November 07

We went to visit Nana and Papa at their hotel in Naples. It was a Ritz Carlton on the beach, nice!

Zoie loves Papa....
Later that day we went to get Zoie's cast taken off, she wouldn't leave her arm alone, she kept rubbing and touching it.
Here are the xrays of Zoie's arm, the bottom is before and the top is after. The miracle of healing!

Getting ready for trick-or-treating at Nana and Papa's house. Aidan decided to be a power ranger for the occasion. Anyone recognize the costume?? (It's from last year)

Zoie caught on quick to the whole trick-or-treating thing, She loved it! Her favorite part was the raisins, go figure.
This is Nolan's pumpkin. He carved it all by himself, with a butter knife. He knows he is not allowed to use real knives and he got tired of waiting for me or Jim to help him (it was already after Halloween) so he went and got a butter knife out of the drawer and did it himself. He was so proud.Nolan's class had a Thanksgiving party and did a little skit with songs and everything. It was pretty cute. This is his costume. (I am thinking actual Indians didn't wear Spider man shirts, ha ha)


Anybody but me love that line from Sandlot?? anyone...... no...... Bueler.....??

WOW!!!! It has been forever since I have updated this thing. Probably no one checks it anymore. Sorry.... I will try to play catch up now and just give the highlights of the last year (it hasn't been a year since I posted, but the pictures I posted the last time are almost a year old now) I know, I know, I am a HUGE slacker.

Zoie has changed so much. I can't believe how different she looks now from this picture, but I had to throw it in. I was trying to get her to wear the hat that matched the dress and she wouldn't keep it on. She thought it was hilarious.

This is our last trip to Disney, last June I think.. don't they look thrilled? You have to park and ride a tram to the park and it is SUPER fun with three kids and a double stroller, not to mention the diaper bag, blankie and the cooler for snacks.
They like it once we finally get to the good stuff.
Zoie broke her arm last year, it was so sad (she is very daring). She was such a good girl though, and she got to have a pink cast, such high fashion!
The kids all love to race and chase each other through the house. Nolan times himself to see if he can beat his own time. How long before they wear a track in the carpet I wonder...

A friend once told me that when your kids make messes you should take a picture instead of getting mad, so that is what I did here. It's funny to look at now...