Tuesday, April 22, 2008

a few more halloween pics

I couldn't get these to load on the other post so here are the rest of the Halloween pics. These are from our ward party. Aidan was supposed to be a dragon, (knight, dragon, princess) but he wouldn't wear the costume. He is very stubborn...so he decided to be a baseball player instead.This is our car decorated for the trunk-or-treat. It didn't win, but I thought it looked pretty good.
This is Zoie's best friend at church, Jocelyn. They are only 10 days apart and they love each other. It is so cute.
This is not on Halloween, but Nolan and Aidan dressed up in the pirate wear left from Aidan's birthday and they looked very cute.


Jenn said...

Yay--an updated blog! :) For the record, I have been checking...I figured SOMEDAY it would happen. And here we are. Cute pictures! How did Zoie break her arm? Poor thing! I love the picture of your family riding the tram to Disney--very funny. Keep the posts coming!

jen said...

Yeah! you are blogging. I started a blog as well. It kind of tells what Wes and I are up to. It is jennyopp.blogspot.com. I love to see the pictures of the kids and hear the funny stories. We miss seeing them and you and Jim too!

teamw said...

I didn't even know you had a blog!!! I miss you guys and the ward and SW FL so much!!! And I didn't know poor little Zoie broke her arm...but I totally remmeber Zoie's first b-day party and the fun times with the Opps!

our blog is teamw.blogspot.com
I made it private b/c some girl I'd NEVER heard of took pics of Preston and put them on hers for whatever reason but it freeked me out. I'll send you an invite

hope you guys are having fun!Tell everyone hi from us in ATL.