Monday, November 2, 2009

Guess what?!? Zoie fell asleep again!

We went to the beach the weekend after school started, and it is sort of a tradition of ours to go to 7-11 after and get slurpees. So I was surprised when I turned around and saw Zoie asleep with the straw from her slurpee still in her mouth...ha ha. She is going to hate me when she gets older for having all these pictures.
The boys stayed awake though.

First day of School....YAY!

School's in again...whoo hoo! The boys were super excited (especially Aidan) for their first day of school. Aidan was really excited that this year he gets to go to Nolan's school. I was a little worried that there could be some drama on the first day, since Aidan was not crazy about his preschool but happily (or sadly, depending on how you look at it) he just walked into his class and started playing with the toys and exploring. He didn't even care when I left him... sniff... I guess I was the only one who would shed any tears that day. My little Aidan is a big kindergartener now.

Here are the boys getting ready to leave for school.

Here is Aidan in his class, happy and ready to go...
Nolan always does well on the first day. Here he is in his class.

More visitors!!

The week after my Mom left we had more visitors (well not in our house but at Bill and Elaine's). Jim's cousin Emily and her family, Spencer, Megan and Gracie all came back to Florida for a few days to visit. They used to live here but recently moved back to Utah, so we were all super glad to see them again. We met up with them at Will's pool.
Here are Spencer, Emily, and their girlsGracie, Zoie and Megan making a face.

Megan is really good at floating.
Here are the girls playing with Will. All the kiddos love Will, he is just so fun!