Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ozona's golf cart parade

One of the best things about living in a tiny community is that they do fun things every year, like the annual golf cart parade. It is legal for people to drive golf carts on the streets of Ozona so there are a lot of people who have them. Every year they all deck them out with christmas lights and decorations and have a parade, and bonus, they throw candy to the kids on the side of the road. We only had to walk about a block down the road to see it.
Here is one of the carts Here you can see the long line coming down the street.
This pic isn't so good but you can see all the lights
Jim and the kids after the parade had passed
We were surprised because after we thought the parade was over, a lot of the golf carts came riding down the street right in front of our house. So the kids all ran back out to see them again and get more candy.
Here you can see Nolan and Aidan scrounging around looking for candy on the ground.

1 comment:

jen said...

This is so cool! I love it.