Friday, January 7, 2011

Nice sweater!

Our ward here in Clearwater has an Elder's Quorum party every year where they have a contest for the ugliest Christmas sweater. It was so funny to see what some of the people came up with. Jim and I scoured the local thrift shops for several days, but it was really hard for me to find something that fit, and Jim was super picky and was afraid to go too crazy since we hadn't ever been to this pary before.
Here is what we came up with. It's weird but our sweaters don't look as bad in this pic as they do in real life. The best part of mine is that it's sparkly and has crazy huge sleeves, I should have taken a pic of that. Ultimately the person who won was a guy wearing a very tight, short, ugly woman's sweater, so we'll have to see if Jim will get a little more crazy next year.

1 comment:

jen said...

We did the same at our ward's EQ party. Wes wouldn't wear a crazy sweater either and I found a really good one for him at the thrift store.