We went into the hospital at 6am that morning.
Here is Jim driving us to the hospital. I was stupidly under the impression that this would be a fast process... ha ha. My doctor thought I would go fast and convinced me to get an epidural earlier than I would have chosen. But in his defense, he didn't want me to wait until I was writhing in pain to ask for it and then have to wait another hour before it actually happened, so I was grateful for that.
Here we are in the hospital, just waiting. Honestly it got a little boring and I felt bad for Mom and Dad Hodges and Jim who were forced to just sit there and wait.
Unfortuately, the epidural seemed to slow things down, along with causing my blood pressure to keep dropping. So the nurses kept having to check my blood pressure, and up my pitocin and eventually ended up turning down my epidural to speed things along. Finally I was dilated enough and they gave me another dose of epidural, but then Logan's heart rate was dropping so the doctor started freaking out and got out the forceps to help him along.
So almost 12 hours after getting to the hopital Logan was finally born!
He was fine once he was out.
He had a healthy set of lungs which he willingly showed off and then peed all over the nurses just to show how anoyed he was. ha ha Here he is on the scale.
Mom and baby!
Daddy and baby!
Grammie Hodges