Saturday, May 22, 2010

You've got mail

When we moved in, the house we live in now had no mail box. And, to make things more interesting, the street our address is on is not the street our front door is on. It was a little confusing and we saw more than one person drive past our house while trying to find it. This is the side of the house facing the street we technically live on.

So back when my Dad was in town we tracked down the mail lady to ask her if we could put the mail box on the wrong street. She agreed, and so off we went to find a mailbox. We found this beauty and didn't realize until we got it home that it is HUGE!

And, is very fancy compared to the rest of the mailboxes on our street.

But oh well, if we can't have the biggest/nicest house on the street we can definitely have the biggest/nicest mailbox. He he

On a side note, we live in a neighborhood with tons of trees and our back (side) yard has a bunch, which is nice because of all the shade. However, every few weeks we get the joy of raking leaves and picking up branches. Here is a look at what we came up with the first time we raked.

Luckily Jim's parents were here and helped a lot, because this was definitely not a one person job. So we are definitely keeping busy in our new home.

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