Friday, May 21, 2010

Pinewood Derby

This year was Nolan's first pinewood derby. He was so excited. It took us a while to get the car finished, so Nolan had to learn some patience. He was bugging us everyday to get it done, and we finally finished it (the night before).
Here is Nolan sitting by the track waiting for his race. The derby here is done on a stake level which was nice but it took a really long time because there were so many kids participating.
Nolan's car is on the right.
Aidan entertaining himself Zoie entertaining herself
Nolan with his friend Noah.
He didn't place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, but he did win several races and he had a good time. I happen to think he might have won if there were a few less cars, but it was still fun for him. :)

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