Saturday, December 20, 2008

decorating the tree

This year it took us like two weeks to get our tree decorated. We put it up before Thanksgiving but for some reason we never got around to decorating it. But finally some work went into it. It's funny because I have all these lofty ideas about how we'll spend an evening listening to Christmas carols while the children all hang ornaments on the tree, but I really only have their attention for about twenty minutes before they are ready to do something else.
Then there's the fact that we (meaning I) have to redecorate the tree every day because of the kids destroying it. They think its fun to play catch with the tree and see how many balls they can get stuck in it. Nice. Here is when I had their help with the tree. If you look close toward the top right of the pic (at the upside down rocking horse) you can see how the kids go about hanging stuff up high. They throw it at the tree until it sticks somewhere. And Aidan is sporting his usual pantless style.

Jim had to put the snowflake on the top. Is it weird that we have a snowflake (in Florida) on the top of our tree instead of the usual star or angel?
As you can see from the feet in the pic above this is about where I lost them. I have just resigned to the fact that the tree in the family room will not ever really stay pretty.