Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cub Scout swamp safari

The cub scouts took a field trip on a swamp safari tour. We didn't have enough people to get the discount rate so I had to talk Nolan and Jim into going. Nolan really liked it. It was called a swamp buggy tour but it was actually more of a empty school bus without the windows, and there really wasn't much swamp going on either, but I guess it's not the right time of year. Oh well the kids seemed to enjoy it anyway.
Our tour guide had a baby alligator and brought it onto the bus for all the kids to see and touch.
Nolan, checking out the scenery from the bus.

The wild pigs come right up onto the bus. (they are trained to know that the bus driver will give them food)

Jim and I.
I'm rockin it out in my scout shirt. Oh yeah, that's what they call high fashion!

Aliigator chillin in the sun.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Seems plenty swampy to me. Freaky.