Monday, May 13, 2013

The (no) Citrus Festival

We live pretty close to downtown Palm Harbor and every now and then there are small festivals that come and set up shop there. We had never been to any of them, but the kids always wanted to go and so we gave in and took them one night when Jim's mom was in town and could stay with Logan.
It was called the Citrus Festival so I was excited thinking there would be some citrus there that we could eat and/or buy (seems logical since because of the name right?). Once we arrived though we quickly discovered that there was not a fruit in sight (not counting people that is, ha!). It really was just an expensive carnival, but since we were already there we bought a few tickets and let the kids go on some rides and play a few games.
Here is the Ferris wheel. It was pretty big for a carnival ride.

The kids all tried this one but couldn't do it. Pretty sure it's rigged. :)

The kids won 2 goldfish. 
 I'm sad to say that they aren't with us anymore. Apparently I'm a moron about goldfish care (Who knew taking care of goldfish was so hard? Probably everyone but me). I felt SO bad because the kids were really excited about them. We would go buy some but I'm too scared of killing more.

So other than the fact that we couldn't get any citrus and I killed my kids fish, it was a fun night.

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