Thursday, June 25, 2009

The end of baseball season...

It's so hard to say goodbye... sniff sniff... ha ha, yea right. The end finally came and the boy's were able to receive their long awaited trophies. Jim had class and couldn't attend the awards night, so I had to hand out the trophies for Aidan's red sox team.
Here I am handing Aidan his trophy. Nolan and his trophy
Nolan receiving his trophy
Aidan and his trophy, you can't tell from the pic but he was actually more excited that night than Nolan.
Nolan being cheesy
I know that the boys had a lot of fun playing this year and despite what I say, I did have fun watching and supporting them. But it's always nice to take some time off and have our Saturdays back again.

1 comment:

Nichole Lowe said...

We are missing you guys this weekend. It would have been fun to get the kids together and visited with you guys. I know Ryan was sad when he heard Jim and Will weren't able to come. One of these visits we will come your way. Have fun this weekend.