Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's that time of year again

Baseball season is back....I can feel the dread setting in already. This year we have two in it because Aidan is finally old enough to play. So that means that two nights a week and Saturdays we are at the ball! Last year Aidan wanted to play so badly, but of course now that we have paid the money and he's on a team he's not as into it. We spend about half of practice just trying to get him to go out and play. Jim decided to coach this year as well so he is the assistant coach on Nolan's team and the head coach on Aidan's. With school, work, church and baseball he is definately keeping busy.
Here is Aidan messing around instead of joining the practice.
Once we were finally able to talk him into batting, he enjoyed it.

Here he is on base.

and running to second.

Here is what happens when Zoie picks out her own clothes
(believe me I tried to get her to take the skirt off)
Here is me, happy as ever to be spending time at the ball field on a Saturday.

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