Monday, November 17, 2008

Nolan's pirate report

Nolan's class had book reports due on Halloween, and they had to stand up in front of the class to tell about their book. They were also allowed to dress up if they wanted to. We did things a little backwards though because I tried to talk Nolan into doing a report on a book that we might already have a costume to match (like sleeping beauty since he was a knight last year for Halloween) but it wouldn't fly. So I went to the store and found mismatched pieces for 99 cents each and came up with a pirate costume for only $4. Then we had to find a book to go with it. Luckily Elaine happened to have a book on pirates so it all worked out. His report turned out really cute.
We happened to have this flag left over from Aidan's pirate birthday party 2 years ago.
(so its a good thing I am a pack rat and didn't get rid of it like I should have)

1 comment:

jen said...

How cute! I can't wait to see everyone. I am coming December 9-13 and then Wes and I are coming for Christmas. I think Will wants us all to go golfing. That should be fun, but I am a horrible golfer.