Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Three months

I wanted to take monthly photos of Logan, but of course I haven't been good at keeping up with it. I did get this one when he was 3 months old though.


I proudly documented this milestone. It's Logan finally reaching out and grabbing/batting at the toys on his play mat. He would formally just lay there and stare at them, so when I heard the toys rattling I was maybe a little overly excited and grabbed the camera. My baby can finally entertain himself for few minutes at a time! Still cute though even if I am weird for taking pics of it.

More cuteness!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Zoie in the hat

At her school, Zoie made this cute hat when they were learning about Dr. Suess.


There is always a fight over who will get to sit next to Logan in the car. Zoie won this round.

Just like mommysleeping buddies

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pinewood Derby 2011

Nolan always looks forward to the pinewood derby. He was excited to work on his car with Jim and then to get to race it against all the bears in the Stake.

His car is the one on the left.

Happily, Nolan placed second. Here he is with his car and awards. He also received an award for most decals, because he had tons of stickers on his car.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don't you just want to squeeze him?

Logan is my only winter baby and I have to say he did great at putting up with being all bundled up at certain times when it was cold out.

Bath time

Logan loves to take baths, and is so cute. He will just smile and kick and kick when he's in the bath. Of course, I didn't get a pic of him smiling, but they're still adorable.
It took a lot of work to get that wash cloth so strategically placed. It kept floating away, so I hope you all appreciate my hard work to keep the pic G rated. I'm sure Logan will appreciate it (although I do have the ones where the washcloth floated away which will definitely go in the baby book, he he).

Not happy to be out of the bath.
That hair cracks me up.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Logan's blessing

Logan's blessing was on March 6th. We had a lot of great family and friends who were able to join us for the special day. Here is the group at our house after church; Jim's parents, my Mom and John, Keri and Berk, the Adams, Angels, Brooks and Perkins, with the exception of Austin and Ginny, who had sick kids, and my florida family, the Hodges who also had to leave early.

I feel so terrible, because I forgot to get any pics of Logan by himself in his blessing outfit. I kept meaning to do it, but forgot and now he is way too big for it. So sad. We ha a great time after playing wiffle ball with everyone. What's that you say? Is that Jim pitching? Why no, it's not. Looks kinda like him though. ha ha
This is Jim and his friend Jordan. Everyone in our last ward thought they were brothers, and I have to admit they do look a little bit alike. I think its the height, build, and dark hair. Funny though, their names even both start with J. He borrowed some of Jim's clothes to wear for wiffle ball, which only made them look more alike, since anyone who know Jim, knows he lives in basketball shorts like these.

Berk took such great care cutting the cake and making sure all the pieces were perfect that I had to get a pic of it.

This is the blessing cake, even though it says happy birthday. We went to Costco on Saturday to get a cake, and they didn't have any without writing. So after much deliberation we settled on a happy birthday cake since Logan was recently born and it was close to his "birth" day. Ha!

The newlyweds... so in love. he he

Where to begin?

Yup, once again I just haven't had the ambition to blog and with each passing day I get more behind. Posts will be short, sweet, and picture heavy, in a desperate attempt to (hopefully) catch up once again.

Logan has changed so much in the past few months that I hate to just skip all the photos of his changes.

So here he is at around 2 months old.
I love this blanket, it is such a cute pattern and it is extra big. It's from my sis-in-law Livia.

All the kids love Logan so much, they can't wait to get home so they can hold and play with him.

I love this picture because he is looking at Aidan so intently, like they are having an actual conversation.

Little baseball fan. The boys thought it was hilarious to put one of their baseball hats on Logan.
It was pretty cute.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

You might be a redneck if... add a hose, and a tarp to your playground slide and call it a waterslide.

So embarrassing, but the kids love it. They keep asking to do this for their birthday party so their friends can try it. Ummm.... I don't think so.

Mom's visit

I can't believe I still haven't posted about my mom and her new husband John coming to visit. They came at the end of Feb/ beginning of March for Logan's blessing and were able to stay almost 2 weeks. It was great having them here and the kids had a great time getting to know their new "Grandpa John".

They were great sports because they came during the school year and baseball season, so they had to put up with us constantly being on the go and having a billion games to go to. It was a little chilly at this one. Weird Florida weather in March is 80's in the day and 50's at night.

We made a trip to the beach (of course).It was Logan's first beach outing and he slept through the whole thing.

The cute couple. Awww...

Grandpa John proved to be a great baby holder. Logan loved to sleep on him.

It was a wonderful visit!