Monday, August 2, 2010

It's a boy!!

For any of you who may not have known, I am pregnant. At my last doctors appointment, I had an ultrasound. I thought it was way too early to tell the sex of the baby (I was only 13 1/2 weeks), but almost as soon as she started the ultrasound lady asked if we wanted to know. Apparently our little boy was all too happy to let it hang out, and show off his junk nice and early. Ha ha Fine with me, the sooner we know what we're having the earlier we can start getting ready.
We are very excited, and the kids are excited too. Zoie and I will be sorely outnumbered, but that's okay, because she will still rule as the princess of the house. Here are some pics of our new addition. If anyone has any name suggestions, we are open. But I would kind of like to stay with the -an ending, as in Nolan and Aidan.


Jenn said...

Awesome! I had no idea they could tell that early either -- congrats!! Ian, Christian, Ryan/Bryan, hmmm..that's all I can think of with "an" right now.

Liv said...

So, you're not thinking of giving this one a name with "THE"? Like, THE HULK?

Sorry, just watched all 10 seasons of "friends" and that was a baby name suggestion.

Nichole Lowe said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you. I think Ryan would feel honored if Jim named a kid after him, ha, ha.

teamw said...

Boys are the best!!! I just talked to Jen Brooks and she told me you are expecting!!! I am so excited for you guys. And I hear you guys are a little further north now. I hope things are going well for you and the family, and that you are feeling well...We miss FL!!!