Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saying goodbye... sniff sniff

It is always so sad when my mom has to leave and go back home. (sigh) It's hard living so far away.... but distance makes the heart grow fonder, right? Here we are at the airport, saying goodbye.
Here is my Mom and Zoie
My Mom and I
Mom and the kids
On a funnier note....
here is Aidan on the way to the airport, throwing a massive tantrum.
Nolan is perfectly happy, I don't know what happened with Aidan.
These pictures will make for good blackmail later. Ha ha
Zoie giving thumbs up.... he he. It's her new thing she likes to do.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sleeping zoie, part ???

It's time for another installment of where will zoie fall asleep this time??
Can you tell from the pic below? That's right! This time it's under her dresser....HA! I don't have a clue why.
So funny. Stayed tuned for more....

Golfing with Mom

While my mom was here we went golfing one afternoon at my work. It's nice to have a job that I hardly ever work at but I still get to golf for free....he he
We had a great time but we only were able to make through about 5 holes because there was a massive rain storm that soaked us. You would think that after living in Florida for 12 years I would know not to go golfing in the afternoon in August..... but no.
Before the rain I am taking a swing Jim, playing in the sand...ha ha
And here comes the rain...for a while we decided to keep playing,
what's a little rain right?
Jim in the rain...
Then we opted to try to wait it out under the small shelter on the course....
but after a few minutes we decided that the rain was not going to let up, AND it might not be the best idea to stand in an open area while swinging a long metal stick in the middle of a storm.So we finally gave up and went home. It was still fun though. It had been a pretty hot day and at least we were nice and cooled off for the car ride home.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pool fun and a visit from Grandma!

My mom came to visit for three weeks in July and August. We always love it when she comes, and the kids talk about it for weeks after. The room she stays in is still referred to by Zoie as "Grandma's room".
We spent some time over at Will's pool with Jim's family one evening. The kids all love swimming and they are all getting better at it all the time.
Here is Elaine, Zoie and my Mom (Linda) Will and Nolan

Zoie hamming it up for the camera

Nolan's first pack meeting

Nolan was super excited to go to his first pack meeting. He had worked really hard on passing off stuff in his book and he also earned several belt loops at the cub day camp. If only we could keep him as excited about it for the rest of the year....