Friday, April 3, 2009

What's the point of THAT??

When we were driving home from Orlando a few weeks ago we saw this guy we could not believe that he had his helmet riding in it's own special spot on the back of the bike instead of on his head. Seriously, what is that point of even having a helmet if you are not going to wear it? Maybe he was going for the wind blown look, or maybe he just wanted to feel the wind in his hair before his hair is completely gone.
By the way the reason we took a picture of this weirdo is because Jim kept talking about all the Sunday School lessons he could base off this guy. What good are your scriptures sitting next to you if you don't read them and on and on, I'm sure you get the idea...


Anonymous said...

that is too funny, and what a great ananlogy about the scriptures. He has a point. were glad your back from vacation.

teamw said...

that is funny...

um...can you update Jenifer's blog for her?