Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tiff's day off

The day before my birthday Jim let me have a day off. So I took advantage of the opportunity to spend a relaxing (kidless) day at the beach with my great friend Jennifer, however mother nature had other thoughts in mind. It was cloudy all day so we ended up running errands for most of the morning. After getting lunch we decided to brave going to the beach anyway and promptly upon arrival we were nearly knocked over by the wind, pelted with flying sand and after scarfing our lunch down we had to get out of there because we could see the rain coming at us down the shoreline. Oh well. We decided to just spend the day shopping instead (which was okay with me since it just so happens to be my favorite pastime). I found a new shirt, some fun jewelry, two pairs of jeans for $6 each, and a great new pair of shoes that I LOVE!
Later that night several of the girls from playgroup got together for a girls night out. We celebrated three birthdays, had free dessert, and generally just had a fun time talking and laughing. It was a wonderful day. Thanks to all my friends and especially to Jim for letting me have some time away. from left: Jennifer, Beth, Abby, Emily, Angel and me
Jennifer, Me, and Emily

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