Sooooooo.... it's like this. Let me set the scene for you. A few months back I needed a new haircut. (I can't seem to find a stylist that doesn't charge a fortune so I am currently bouncing around trying new last guy charged $40 for just a haircut and no wash or anything!) So I decide to try one of the well known cheapo places. It turns out pretty well, I end up trimming up a few spots when I get home but well worth the $11.95.
Okay now fast forward to last saturday, I am shopping for a new vacuum and just happen to be near the cheapo place. The allure of a cheap haircut is just too strong, so I go in. mistake number one. I sit down and wait for my name to be called and as I am sitting there I am getting a bad feeling, but I really want a haircut so I ignore it and wait. mistake number two. I am pleading in my head to get the guy who cut my hair the last time but of course I don't.
Anyway I sit down and explain to the new guy that I want three inches taken off and I want him to "freshen up the layers" as I put it. Then I watch as this guy proceeds to pull my hair up in the front and chop it quite short. I am confused but I think that he must be giving me some more bangs so I just watch and wait. mistake number three. The guy then pulls up some more hair behind the first and cuts it the same length. I am now horrified but it is too late to do anything, so I just sit and watch as my hair is being butchered. I really need to get some guts, because seriously who just sits there?? yes, me.
As I am checking out I am hoping that my hair will look better as it dries. By the way this guy undercharges me and I tell him to charge the right amount but he says no, no it's okay. hmmmm I am thinking he knew what he did to me, felt guilty, and was trying to make up for it by charging me less. So of course what do I do then? I smile and say thanks and wave goodbye as I walk out the door. What is wrong with me, why didn't I throw a fit before I walked out the door!?!?Any way here I am now...
Ha ha, okay so it's not quite that bad but it's really not a pretty sight. When I got home Jim laughed and called me Joe Dirt, nice husband huh? A few friends have given me such encouraging words as "it's not THAT bad" and "it's looks fine from the back." Real helpful.
Now my new dilema is to fix or not to fix? To try to fix it really the only option is to cut it short, which I am not opposed to (I am thinking Victoria Beckham, ha ha I wish) but I liked my long hair, or I can do my best to disguise my new "soft mullet" as I call it by pulling up the top and pinning it back. This is what I have been doing for the past week. I am trying to decide whether I am brave enough to post pics of my new do or not. Any suggestions are welcome.
I really enjoyed the story but to truely be helpful I think you should post a pic of YOUR hair so we can see it (not to laugh but to offer our true opinons)
I'm sure it's not as bad as you think b/c you can pull off things alot of us can't!
What a funny story! Not to laugh at the situation because hair trauma is the worst. It's probably not as bad as Jim made it out to be, however, no good can come from a mullet! Cutting it is better than a mullet, plus it will grow back. Good luck!
Oh man! That is a great story, though. I never complain to the hairdresser when I get a bad haircut--I'm always like, "Thanks a lot!" I can never bring myself to say, "You're the worst hairdresser I've ever seen. I'm never coming back here! And forget about a tip!" Without seeing the mullet, it's hard to say what to do. If it really is bad and people on Harley's start hitting on you (men and women), I'd say cut it. Good luck. :)
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