Monday, May 21, 2012

It doesn't happen often but every now and then it gets cold cooler than normal here. So what do we do when that happens? Go get ice cream, duh! Who wouldn't?
We borrowed our neighbor's golf cart (almost everyone has one in our neighborhood) and rode down the street to the local ice cream shop.

Here we are almost maxed out in the golf cart. If we ever decide to take the plunge and get one it would have to have three rows. 
 Checking out the ducks


 I have posted pics of this place before, but never of the inside. It's cute but tiny.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Best Anniversary EVER!

I know I said I wasn't going to post things that were too far past, but I seriously can't believe I never posted these pics so I have to now if for nothing else than to rub them in my family's faces (ha ha, jk).
I really wanted to go to the Nebraska bowl game since they were playing in the Outback bowl, which is in Orlando, but we checked into tickets, decided they were too pricey and we couldn't do it. However, my awesome hubby kept checking the ticket prices regularly and they dropped about a week before the game. This year Jim and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary so it also nicely worked as an anniversary present for us since the game was only about a week before our anniversary.
Wes and Jenny also happened to be in town at the same time so we talked them into getting tickets with us and we all went together.  I think the last time I went to a Nebraska game was when I was a senior in high school which was... uh... a while ago. It was SOOO fun! There is nothing like the feeling of being at a football game of your favorite team.
The golden tickets

 Pre-game show
 Kick off

 I wish we could go to a Nebraska game every year but sadly living in Florida means 
game ticket + plane ticket + rental car = not happening
So it was especially great to be able to go while they were close, and even though my huskers didn't win I still loved being there!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who knew a plastic Easter basket could double as a hat and provide hours of entertainment?

Sorry these pictures are so yellow. It drives me nuts but I can't figure out how to fix it. Grrr... Stupid camera. I swear I have spent hours taking pictures indoors and changing the settings, but to no avail. I guess I will never be able to take up photography as a profession. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let me just say that I may change my 4 post a week goal. I know, I know, it's only been a week, but it's 10:30 Saturday night and I am writing a post just so I'll meet my goal when I really want to be in bed. sigh... I'm old. It's sad.

So Easter is passed (hello obvious) but it's not so long ago that I feel weird posting the pics. Like Christmas. Those pics just aren't making the blog this year :).
We usually color Easter eggs at Bill and Elaine's but we didn't make it to Fort Myers this year for Easter. The kids were pretty disappointed that they had to stay home and color eggs with Mom, but they survived.

 Easter morning fun!
 This is how Zoie's hair usually looks. Good, right?

 Logan got circus peanuts in his Easter basket. He LOVED them! A baby after my own heart!
 After church we had our friends over for dinner and an egg hunt. Here are the kids patiently waiting while Jim and Austin hid the eggs.
 The hunt begins! 
It took Logan a minute but he eventually figured out the whole, find an egg, put it in the basket routine.

 Here is where you can tell that two tall people hid all the eggs. Can you see the orange egg?

It was a great day, nice and relaxing and we enjoyed spending it with friends.

Friday, April 27, 2012

This year I have been lucky enough to go on at least one field trip with each of my kids. (Last year I didn't get to go on any because of limited space.) So Jim watched Logan for the day so that I could go with Zoie and her kindergarten class to the Lowry Park Zoo. She had a lot of fun seeing all the different animals and I was happy that I could go with her.

 Jim saw this picture and may have freaked a little. ha ha It looks a little like she is inside the fenced off area, but she was just leaning over the bottom railing and then turned around and looked up at me.

 I knew that Zoie would love feeding the birds so even though the other mom in our group didn't seem super thrilled about it, I made sure that we did this. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Take me out to the ballgame!

We always love going to Rays games every year as a family. Once again our county offered discounted tickets to the schools so we got a bunch and talked our friends into going with us. The kids all had such a good time, although I think more time was spent playing than actually watching the game. :)
We passed by this guy on the way in. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but its a manta ray in a baseball cap and pants.  We haven't ever seen him before...some new mascot for the Rays I guess. 

 No idea who these players are. (Jim might) The Rays were playing the Twins.

 The Rays won and we had fun so it was a great game!